Zeta Tau Alpha

contact information

President: Emma Grace Alvey

Email: ztakappapresidennt@gmail.com

Recruitment Captain: Hannah Holland

Email: ztakapparecrecruitment@gmail.com


National Website: www.zetataualpha.org

Local Website: utexas.zetataualpha.org

chapter information

Founded: Virginia State Female Normal School, October 15th, 1898

Founded at The University of Texas at Austin: Kappa Chapter, 1906

Address: 2711 Nueces St, Austin, TX 78705

symbols and traditions

Colors: Turquoise Blue and Steel Gray

Flower: White Violet

Mascot: Bunny

Motto: “Seek the noblest.”

Symbol: Crown and Strawberry

programs and initiatives

New Member Program: 8 Weeks

Philanthropy: Breast Cancer Education and Awareness