
 Sisterhood lies at the heart of sorority life, forging bonds that last a lifetime and creating a supportive network of friends and mentors. Through shared experiences, sorority sisters develop a strong sense of belonging, camaraderie, and mutual empowerment, enriching their college years and beyond. The connections formed within sororities not only enhance personal growth but also cultivate a supportive environment where members can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.


big little

In a sorority, "Big Little" refers to a mentorship program where older members ("Bigs") are paired with younger members ("Littles"). The Bigs serve as mentors and guides, providing support, advice, and friendship to their Littles as they navigate sorority life. This tradition fosters strong bonds between members, creating a sense of family and support within the sorority.

chapter retreats

Chapter retreats provide a valuable opportunity for members to bond and strengthen their sisterhood outside of regular activities. These retreats often include team-building exercises, workshops on leadership development, and discussions about the values and goals of the sorority. They serve as a time for reflection, growth, and deepening connections among members, fostering a sense of unity and commitment to the organization's mission.

sisterhood events

Sisterhood events serve as occasions for members to come together and celebrate their bond of sisterhood. These events often include activities such as movie nights, game nights, or themed parties where members can relax, have fun, and strengthen their friendships. Through these gatherings, sorority sisters create lasting memories and deepen their connections, fostering a supportive and inclusive community within the organization.