Kappa Alpha Theta
contact information
President: Claire Cahoon
Email: texastheta@gmail.com
Recruitment Captain: Maddie Bregenzer
Email: texasthetarecruitment@gmail.com
National Website: www.kappaalphatheta.org
Local Website: utaustin.kappaalphatheta.org
chapter information
Founded: DePauw University, January 27th, 1870
Founded at The University of Texas at Austin: Alpha Theta Chapter, 1904
Address: 2401 Pearl St, Austin, TX 78705
symbols and traditions
Colors: Black and Gold
Flower: Black and Gold Pansy
Mascot: Cat
Motto: “Leading Women.”
Symbol: Kite
programs and initiatives
New Member Program: 6 Weeks
Philanthropy: Court Appointed Special Advocates