Kappa Kappa Gamma

contact information

President: Riley Chesney

Email: texaskappa@gmail.com

Recruitment Captain: Libby Tate

Email: kappamembership@gmail.com


National Website: www.kappakappagamma.org

Local Website: utexas.kappa.org

chapter information

Founded: Monmouth College, October 13th, 1870

Founded at The University of Texas at Austin: Beta Xi Chapter, 1902

Address: 2001 University Ave, Austin, TX 78705

symbols and traditions

Colors: Dark and Light Blue

Flower: Fleur-De-Lis

Mascot: Owl

Motto: “Dream Boldly. Live Fully.”

Symbol: Key

programs and initiatives

New Member Program: 6 Weeks

Philanthropy: The Jed Foundation