Letters of Recommendation
about letters of recommendation
Letters of recommendation introduce potential new members to the chapter and provide detailed insights into their activities and interests. Additionally, potential new members may choose to submit supplemental information through an online portal. However, it's important to note that these supplementary materials do not carry the same weight as official reference forms.
There is the option for potential new members to request reference or letters of recommendation to be sent on their behalf to each sorority chapter. We highly encourage all potential new members to participate in this process, as it aids chapters in getting to know candidates better in advance.
While each chapter may have its own terminology for letters of recommendation, the ultimate goal remains consistent: to introduce potential new members to the chapter. It's essential to understand that reference and letters of recommendation do not guarantee a bid for membership. Instead, they serve as tools to help chapters assess compatibility and fit.
Requirements vary across chapters, and if a chapter expresses interest in a potential new member, they have the means to gather additional information necessary for extending an invitation to the next round or membership bid. At present, all chapters prefer potential new members to submit reference materials electronically.
three ways to obtain a recommendation
Local Panhellenic Alumnae
Throughout the country, Alumnae Panhellenic Associations host a reference process to assist women in their area with securing reference writers. This option provides an opportunity to receive help in obtaining letters of recommendation, potentially meet local area sorority alumnae, and attend recruitment information sessions. To find the Alumnae Panhellenic Association in your area, click the link below and consider contacting the nearest university campus with sororities for more information. Most Alumnae Panhellenic Associations begin collecting registration forms in early spring and set their own deadline in early summer. Alumnae do not have to be from The University of Texas at Austin.
This is a great option if you do not live in an area with an Alumnae Panhellenic Association, miss the Alumnae Panhellenic Association deadline, or if you prefer to have more control over the process. You can use your network to find members of sororities willing to write a letter of recommendation on your behalf. The alumna writing the reference is responsible for submitting the appropriate form through her national organization's process. Remember, the earlier you submit the letter of recommendation, the better! Alumnae do not have to be from The University of Texas at Austin.
Many chapters in our community are now accepting third-party letters of recommendation, marking a significant step towards inclusivity within our community and council. Recognizing the systemic exclusionary nature of the previous process, we aim to create an option that holds equal value to alumni references. By empowering women to submit third-party letters of recommendation, especially if they cannot connect with sorority alumni in their personal networks, we strive to make the recruitment process more accessible to a wider range of women. This addition of third-party recommendations as a supplement to alumni recommendations enables potential new members to present a more comprehensive recommendation from individuals who have firsthand knowledge of their character and values. A third-party letter of recommendation is typically composed by an important adult figure in a potential new member’s life, such as a coach, mentor, counselor, teacher, religious leader, or employer, and need not necessarily be affiliated with a Greek Letter organization. These individuals should have a close relationship with the potential new member. Please refer to each chapter’s preferences for specific requirements regarding third-party writers.
frequently asked questions
What information should I provide for my letter of recommendation writer?
It is standard to provide a resume, a transcript, and two pictures (one headshot and one full body) in electronic form. Don't forget a thank you note as well!
Can Panhellenic write letters of recommendation for me? What if I am having trouble finding women to submit letters of recommendation?
No, the University Panhellenic Council cannot help potential new members find letters of recommendation. It is an individual process for each potential new member, either through your local Panhellenic Alumnae or by asking contacts you and your family have within your community.
If you are having trouble finding affiliated women in your networks, you may have to get creative! Have family members post on social media that they are looking for sorority members—you may have family and friends that you didn't realize were affiliated. Have family members ask co-workers if they or anyone they know are sorority members. Ask guidance counselors, teachers, and coaches if they or anyone they know are affiliated. Keep in mind older friends who are sorority members at other universities may be able to submit a reference or know a recent graduate who can. And most of our chapters accept third-party letters of recommendation, so you can get them from non-Greek adults.
Can I participate in Primary Recruitment without letters of recommendation?
Yes, you can still register and participate in Primary Recruitment without obtaining letters of recommendation. However, it is highly encouraged that you seek out letters of recommendation for all thirteen Panhellenic chapters at The University of Texas at Austin. Try your best to find women willing to submit a letter of recommendation; they only help the chapter to get to know you better. However, sometimes you won't be able to find a member of one or two chapters. In this case, do not stress; chapters will still get to know you through your registration materials and through their conversations with you. And if you don’t know any sorority alumnae, no worries! Most of our chapters accept third-party letters of recommendation, so you can get them from other adults. Look at our chapter-specific information on how to submit them.
letters of recommendation by chapter
Alpha Chi Omega
Deadline: July 1st. However, it is beneficial to submit materials earlier.
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Recommendation
How to Submit:
Alumna: Submit to Alpha Chi Omega Recommendation Form
Third-Party: Submit to texasaxorecruitment@gmail.com
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alumna of Alpha Chi Omega in good standing.
Third-Party: Non-alumnae members.
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? Recommendation letters are not required, but they will be accepted.
Does your chapter utilize packets? No
Alpha Delta Pi
Deadline: August 1st. However, letters of recommendation will be accepted until the start of Primary Recruitment.
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: If the potential new member is a legacy: “Legacy Introduction Form.” If the potential new member is not a legacy: “Potential Member Recommendation Form.”
How to Submit:
Alumna/Collegiate Member: Submit to Alpha Delta Pi Alumnae Recommendations
Third-Party: Submit to txadpirim@gmail.com
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alumna of Alpha Delta Pi in good standing and active collegiate members from a chapter other than The University of Texas at Austin.
Third-Party: Non-alumna members, such as a coach, mentor, or other adult who is affiliated with another sorority or not a member of any sorority.
We also encourage all potential new members to introduce themselves through this link.
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? Only one is required.
Does your chapter utilize packets? Packets are not required, but if you would like to submit an electronic packet, submit it to txadpirim@gmail.com.
Please include letters of recommendation, a social resume, and transcripts.
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Deadline: July 20th
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Recommendation Letters
How to Submit:
Alumna and Third-Party: Download Alpha Epsilon Phi Recommendation and Submit to texasphirecruitment@gmail.com
Letters of Support: Send to texasphirecruitment@gmail.com
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alumna of Alpha Epsilon Phi.
Third-Party: Anyone who is not an Alpha Epsilon Phi Alumna.
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? Up to three letters will be accepted.
Does your chapter utilize packets? Packets are not required, but we will utilize them if sent. Digital copies are also accepted via email.
Please include letters of recommendation, a resume, current photo(s), and transcripts.
Alpha Phi
Deadline: July 1st
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Recommendation Form
How to Submit:
Alumna and Third-Party: Submit to Alpha Phi Recommendation Form
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alum of Alpha Phi.
Third-Party: Anyone who is not an Alpha Phi alumna and is not related to the potential new member.
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? Only one is required.
Does your chapter utilize packets? No
Alpha Xi Delta
Deadline: August 1st
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Letter of Recommendation Form
How to Submit:
Alumnae: Submit to Beta Alpha Letter of Recommendation Form
Third-Party: Submit to txaxidrecommendation@gmail.com
Letter of Support: Submit to txaxidrecommendation@gmail.com
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alumna of Alpha Xi Delta in good standing.
Third-party: Anyone who is not an Alpha Xi Delta alumna.
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? Only one is required. A Letter of Support is considered but not required.
Does your chapter utilize packets? Yes. Alumna may choose to forward digital packets directly to the chapter via email. If a potential new member is unable to locate an alumna for their recommendation form, then we would be happy to receive her packet via email at txaxidrecommendation@gmail.com.
Chi Omega
Deadline: July 1st for Letters of Support, Recruitment Information Forms, and Third-Party Recommendation Letters.
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Recruitment Introduction Form (RIF)
How to Submit:
Alumnae: Submit to Chi Omega RIF
Third-Party: Submit to recruitmentiota@gmail.com
Letter of Support (LOS): Submit to recruitmentiota@gmail.com
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alumna of Chi Omega.
Third-party: Any non-alumnae who is not related to the potential new member.
How Many letters of recommendation per potential new member? Only one Recruitment Introduction Form is required. Up to three Letters of Support will be accepted.
Does your chapter utilize packets? No. Resumes and pictures should be submitted online through our national portal.
Delta Delta Delta
Deadline: July 1st
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Reference Letter
How to Submit:
Alumnae: Submit to Tri Delta Reference Form
Third-Party: Submit to Tri Delta Website
Who can write recommendations?
Alumnae: Any alumna of Tri Delta.
Third-Party: Anyone, including the potential new member themselves.
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? One is preferred, but up to two will be accepted.
Does your chapter utilize packets? No
Delta Gamma
Deadline: Letters of recommendation will be accepted until the start of Primary Recruitment, but it is beneficial to submit materials earlier.
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Letter of Recommendation
How to Submit:
Alumna and Third-Party: Submit to Delta Gamma Recommendation Form
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alumna of Delta Gamma in good standing and collegiate members of The University of Texas at Austin Beta Eta Chapter.
Third-party: Non-alumna members (such as a coach, teacher, mentor, etc.).
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? Only one is required.
Does your chapter utilize packets? Yes, but not required. If you choose to submit a packet, please make sure to submit online recommendations through Delta Gamma’s website in addition to a packet. Packets can be submitted online via email to txdgrecruitment@gmail.com. Include RIF, resume, transcripts, photos, and a letter of support.
Kappa Alpha Theta
Deadline: Letters of Recommendation and Legacy Introductions will be accepted through the Preference Round of Primary Recruitment.
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Letter of Recommendation and Legacy Introduction
How to Submit:
Alumna and Third-Party: Submit to Introduce a PNM
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alumnae of Kappa Alpha Theta in good standing and active members of a different Kappa Alpha Theta Chapter.
Third-party: Any non-alumnae.
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? Only one is required.
Does your chapter utilize packets? We primarily use the resume information and photo provided, but we will review the packet if it is sent to us. We encourage online submissions rather than mailing them. Submissions are made through the Kappa Alpha Theta portal and can be submitted up until Preference Night. Letters of Support and other relevant information can be sent to texasthetarecruitment@gmail.com.
Kappa Delta
Deadline: August 1st
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Recommendation Form
How to Submit:
Alumna: Submit to Kappa Delta Recommendation form
Third-Party: Send to utkdreferences@gmail.com
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alumna of Kappa Delta.
Third-party: Anyone, including men, relatives, and the potential new member themselves.
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? At least one is encouraged, but not required.
Does your chapter utilize packets? Physical packets are not encouraged. All resources typically in the packet can be submitted through the recommendation portal. All documents typically included in a packet should be sent to the alumni submitting your recommendation.
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Deadline: There is no priority deadline; However, it is beneficial to submit materials earlier rather than later.
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Reference
How to Submit: Submit to National Portal
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alumna of Kappa Kappa Gamma in good standing.
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? One is recommended.
Does your chapter utilize packets? No
Pi Beta Phi
Deadline: August 1st
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Recruitment Information Form (RIF) and Letter of Support (LOS)
How to Submit:
RIF: Submit to this link
LOS: Submit to txalphapiphirecruitment2025@gmail.com
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alumna of Pi Beta Phi in good standing from any Pi Beta Phi chapter.
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? One RIF and one LOS are required.
Does your chapter utilize packets? Yes, but they are not required. Only one method of submission is needed. These can be submitted online via email to txalphapiphirecruitment2025@gmail.com or through the mail to:
Pi Beta Phi
2300 San Antonio Street
Austin, TX 78705
Please include a RIF, resume, transcripts, photos, and a LOS.
Zeta Tau Alpha
Deadline: Accepting Letters of Recommendation until the start of Primary Recruitment
Term for Alumnae Recommendation: Membership Information Sheets (MIS)
How to Submit:
Alumna: Submit to MIS Form Submission
Who can write recommendations?
Alumna: Any alumna of Zeta Tau Alpha in good standing.
How many letters of recommendation per potential new member? Letters of Recommendation are not required, but we appreciate alumnae sending in references on behalf of PNMs
Does your chapter utilize packets? No