Bid Day

Dear Potential New Member,

“There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.”

Recruitment is over, and can I share something most people don’t talk about? This week you have been through so many emotions and you are probably running on empty. You may be celebrating at the end of what has been the best week of your life but don’t be surprised if today is disappointing, awkward, or if you’re left wondering, “Did I make the right decision?” You are totally normal! You are not alone.

Don’t seek approval from Greek letters because you will always be left wanting. Being part of a sorority has been one of my favorite parts of college but it is definitely not the only part of UT that I love. If I placed my identity solely in my chapter, I would have been crushed many times as friends and events can naturally let me down.

No one and no chapter is perfect, so if today is exactly what you pictured or not at all what you thought, have hope that there is more beyond this day. Just making it through this week is an accomplishment so let go of any anxieties weighing on your heart and rest in the fact that whatever your bid day card says, you are loved, you have value, and you have purpose. 


A Panhellenic Woman

Texas UPC